
السلالم الكهربائية وعوامل الأمان بها

Escalators and their safety factors

Escalators: an effective transformation in the world of design and competition! Decades ago, escalators took the world of architecture by storm with their elegance and practicality, becoming an essential element in various public and private buildings and facilities, whether…

مزايا مصعد عربة الطعام في المنازل

Advantages of dumbwaiter elevator

How it works? Dumbwaiter touch-screen carts are simple and effective. The cart is the platform or room that carries and transports items, and it includes doors or gates to ensure safety and security of the contents.

المصاعد المستديرة: كيف تحسن التنقل للأشخاص ذوي الإحتياجات

Circular Elevators: How to Improve Mobility for People with Disabilities

Elevators are essential in modern buildings to provide a quick and convenient way to move people and objects between different levels. Although it was usually used in high-rise buildings, today it has become…

تعرف على أهم مميزات مصاعد الهيدروليك المنزلية

Know about the most important features of hydraulic home elevators

Home elevators are developing rapidly to keep pace with the needs of the times! Many people are now turning to having elevators in their homes to make transportation easier for all family members, especially the elderly and people of determination. We will talk…

ما هي دورة حياة المصعد؟

What is the life cycle of an elevator?

Would you like to know more about the life cycle of elevators and the factors that affect their lifespan? We will discuss this topic today! How long does the elevator last? The answer to this question depends on several…

متى يحتاج المصعد للفحص الفوري؟

When does an elevator need immediate inspection?

Regular elevator maintenance is essential to keep the elevator running efficiently and safely. Elevator inspections are not just preventative maintenance, they also help detect major problems early, before they cause…